Shoulder Pain Advice

How long does it take for a humerus fracture to heal?

Fractures of the arm bone or humerus The arm bone or humerus can break at any location. This includes at the elbow joint, at any part of the arm, or at the shoulder joint. Fractures of the humerus can occur by a direct hit to the shoulder or from a [...]

When Can I Drive After Dislocating My Shoulder?

Recovering from a shoulder dislocation The “when can I drive?” question is one of the most common questions that I get asked all the time by my patients. When can I drive after I have broken my shoulder? When can I drive after shoulder surgery? When can I drive after [...]

2023-07-07T11:03:36+01:004 May 2022|Shoulder Pain Advice|

How to sleep with a broken shoulder

Sleep is one of those things that most of us take for granted until we can't do it. Breaking your shoulder or recovering from shoulder surgery can significantly impact your sleep. This article will give you tips and tricks that might just help you get a better night's sleep. How [...]

2023-07-07T11:03:36+01:004 May 2022|Shoulder Pain Advice|
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